Feb 9, 2017Cours d’été en Droit international humanitaire - 11e édition (mai 2017)L’Université d’Ottawa et la Croix-Rouge canadienne sont fières de vous présenter la 11e édition du Cours d’été en Droit international...
Feb 9, 2017Early Bird Registration for the ABA Section of International Law’s Spring Meeting is now Open!CLICK HERE to view the full conference agenda including social events and programming! REGISTER NOW! to attend the Spring Meeting! Over...
Feb 7, 2017International Peace and Security Interest Group Workshop. Call for Papers - Extended DeadlineAuckland Law School on Friday 5 May 2017 We are extending the deadline until Friday 10 February to allow people who are still getting...
Feb 4, 2017CCCA National Conference: Agents of Change Toronto, Ontario | April 2-4, 2017BECOME A CHANGE MAKER.