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World Tour of Regional Tools for the UN SDGs: International Legal Roundtable (June 1, 2018)

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World Tour of Regional Tools for UN SDGs: An International Experts Legal Roundtable

14:30 – 17:30 | Friday 1 June 2018

McGill Faculty Club, 3450 McTavish St, Montreal, Quebec

14:00-14:30 Arrivals & Greetings

14:30-14:45 Welcome & Opening

Welcome: Prof Richard Janda* (McGill, CISDL Board) Chair: Prof Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger (CISDL, uWaterloo & uCambridge)

14:45- 16:45: Regional Instruments and Innovations for the SDGs

What are the most promising regional advances in law and governance contributing to SDGs, and what more can be done? What are the most important challenges?

Which treaties and instruments can support the SDGs in the region? What is the role of regional courts and tribunals?

  • European Innovations: Prof Markus Gehring, Dr Katherine-zoi Varfis (online)

  • African Innovations: Ms Blessing Ajayi,* Me Erick Kassongo (online), Me Harum Mukhayer (online)

  • Oceania Innovations: Prof Margarita Wewerinke (online), Prof Morgan Wesley (online)

  • Middle East and North African Innovations: Prof Marjan Radjavi, Me Ayman Cherkaoui*

  • Americas Innovations: Prof Hoi Kong, Me Robert Moyer*, Prof Valentina Duran (online)

  • Asian Innovations: Me Hafijul Khan, Prof Sumudu Attapattu

  • Indigenous Innovations: Prof Konstantia Koutouki, Prof Alexandra Harrington

Roundtable Discussions (all)

16:45-17:00: Closing Remarks & Thanks

  • Prof Maya Prabhu, Me Pierre Gonthier, Dr Ashfaq Khalfan (online)

17:00-17:30: Book Launch

International Organizations and the Law authored by Prof Alexandra Harrington, published by Routledge.

17:30 – 20:00 CISDL Annual Dinner Event at Les Enfants Terribles (with CISDL Board of Governors, McGill-based Fellowship and Gonthier Legacy Committee colleagues)

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